Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hello people! how are you? have you done well with your finals? not so well? this year is not ending as you expect it to? well, dont worry, it will be all end soon, I promise.
This year has been at the same time a really long year and a pretty fast one, is like it never ends but it comes soo fast that you dont know when it things happened or what happened with all of your time.
It has been a year full of good things, like....well, my friends here at the university, my friends from out of the university...my pets...my family...that type of good stuff. I have many good memories from this year with all of them and they make this year a good one. It was a year full of lessons to, like that I cant dye my hair from any different color than my natural one, like, seriously, I tried everything and it never comes down from orange street punk, and also I can not pierce my face, because if I do bad things happen, as bad as can not move my face for a few hours. That did not end so well but hey! I still have my nose!
Here at university I had one course that I liked a lot, and it was sign language, a course were you learn the basics from sign language of Chile (each country has his own lenguaje) so you can comunícate with deaf people. Our teacher was deaf so we could not cheat at class. We really enjoyed each class and learned the language and reality of deaf people in Chile.
This has been a nice year so far, not done yet, so lets see wat can it bring to us in what is left of it (like coming to university on dicember 24 and in january 2, that is hard stuff)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hello people! how are you? i hope you are fine and not too tired because is less than a month for vacations! (or maybe not....you know, we have our finals the first week of January but....who cares?).
if everything goes fine this is my last year before get mi degree(?) so this vacations are gonna be awsome. and by awsome I mind that I have 0 plans to do 0 tings to wish and 0 expectations less than rest and enjoy be free (I WANT TO BREAK FREE!).

The only plan i actually have is go to the beach with my friends from the university, like the last trip together before we go out of here and...well, thats all. Maybe I will go with my family to the south, maybe we just go to Viña for one weekend or maybe a friend and I go to Juan Fernandez to find ourselves (and Felipito, vuela alto) I just dont think a lot about this vacations, I just think about finishing this year with all my grades and in the best way (and don't die in the process). The only thing i know for sure is that I will not try to find a job like the one that a I had last year (selling shoes at the mall...not to bad, but not really good).

What I really want from this vacations is to rest, to feel that i have nothing left to do for at least 2 months and know that is all right if i wanna watch the ceiling and scratch my belly, is fine. Probably by the end of this two months I will be like "oh! why i didn't get a summer job? Why I stayed that much time at home? why?! WHY!?" but that's exactly what i want, spend so much time doing nothing that you start to miss being busy.

So come to me, summer, because i have nothing on you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The last movie I saw (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Hi people! how are you today? i hope you all are fine. Todays topic is the last movie I saw, and the last movie I saw (last night actually) was Guardians of the Galaxy, a movie from last year from the franchise of Marvel. The movie is really funny and enjoyable, is not the movie of your life but for an action and entertaining movie is pretty good. It has everything in it, fights, love, guns, cancer, more fights, aliens, sex with aliens, nice and bad talking little animals, you know, normal stuff. I saw it with my mom and she hated it. She actually hates every movie with weird creatures on it or movies to "hollywoodenses" for her. She hates The lord of the rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Marvel movies (in general) and Star Wars, and all the derivatives of all this movies and genders
. My little sister and I were happy seeing the movie and my mom start to ask "how much is left?" "are them a couple?" "Weren't them enemies?" "why is that cat talking?" "but them are not the same species" "HOW MUCH IS LEFT?" until the movie finally ends....
Normally I don't see movies with my mom because of this, it use to bother my a lot and for a while I only saw movies alone or at the cinema, because my mom (and my dad) didn't know that you are not suppose to talk wile the movie is on....but one day I miss my parents, I miss them talking and they whispers and them questions about the movie, it was sad without them, and I also realize that with the university, the works and life we don't see each other as much as we used to, and saw movies with them is one of the ways we have to spend time together (besides...is super funny see that she really doesn't understand why the raccoon is talking)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hi people! how are you? today i'm going to talk you about something that I love a lot...pets!
I have two pets, mi dog Perrito and my rat Wipe. Them are the joy and the pain of my life and both are rescued. Perrito came to my house 8 years ago, when he was not more than a fluffy hair ball looking for trouble. My last family dog Black had died and we were really sad because he was very funny and had grown up with my sisters and I. My boyfriend at that time knew that we wanted a new pet and one day he came to my house with this puppy and the history of a girl on the street giving for free this german shepherd dogs....and he brought one to me because he knows we love dogs. My family and I always knew that Perrito was not a german shepherd...maybe the back? he's like twenty different kinds of dogs in one....and he also has the energy of the same twenty dogs in one little (F&*$G!) crazy dog(demon). We love him and he is really funny but kind of destructive (the vet said he is "special"). I also have Waipe, the lab rat (literally). I have had him for one year and a half already and he is the coolest rat on the face of the eart. He is fat, lazy, fluffy, loves to eat and wash the tv, he is perfect. The story beghind him is sad becouse he was used in behavior and conduct testing at university laboratory, he was submitted to electroshock and never have been socialize with other rats (something very important for them). He never fully recovered and he will never be able to meet other rats but now he recibes loves, gets petting and a lots of food, but the most important, he dont suffer unnecessary. My  pets are, for me (and i also speak for my family) the best pets in the universe, the two of them could habe been euthanize by other people becouse of them problems, but we take them as they are...unique (and with a loooot of patience).

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The best holydays EVER

Hi people, how are you? I hope you all are good and fine. Today I must talk you about the best holidays I can remember (if you understand me….)
Well….I don’t have a ever forever better holydays….is like…all of them are special. Ok…some had worst moments than others but…I can’t pick one and say “this was the best!” so I’m gonna tell you my first alone&friends vacations, a special one for me.
I was 17 and that year haven't had come good at the point my story begins, my friends from school rejected me, my boyfriend had cheated on my and adolescence was not over yet….It was summer and sad. There was a really nice friend of mine named Javiera (just like me, we were Javi Javi) that was a year older than I and from a different school, she already had come out from school and she and her classmates girl friends had been organize a travel to Viña del mar for two weeks and when she found out how sad I was she don’t doubt a minute and invited me, and I said YES! (My mom also said yes so it was cool).

It was the best thing i could do, that vacations with friends really help me. I was a little shy at first but Javi’s friends were so nice to me that they make me forget about all the other bad things that year had have. It were the first time I went to a disco, that I stayed at the beach after the party and looked the sunrise (after some tequila sunrise) at the beach…and had some girls friendship, the good type of friendship, a sisterhood. It help me to be more secure about myself and to go back to school the next year and tell to my old “friends” and ex-boyfriend ….something really disrespectful for a good fellow like you read it ( C;)

My friend Javi and I, we had  17 and 18 years old.

The places I want to travel

Hello people! How are you doing? Great? I hope so, have you travel recently?
Travel is something we must all of us do in life, ok…that is not true and there is a lot of people who want to travel and them can't so stop with that, but is something we should all have the opportunity to do.
I had a personal history with travel, because one of my great-grandmothers by my dad side didn't see the sea in her life, and in the other side, my mom side, all of my great-grandmother and great-grandfathers travel to Chile from Europe in the last century. There is this woman, Edelmira, who stand out from all of my grandmothers because she never met the sea, her sisters did, but she didn't, and it was like her big dream and she even had some crazy dreams about tsunamis coming to found her in the country side. When I hear about her stories from my grandmother and my dad I start to realize how lucky my sisters and I where to born in this time, and how lucky most of my friends are, I mind…go to the beach is something you can do for the weekend and is not really expensive, but that is today, and that is not that much far from Edelmiras time (70 years ago).

I will like to travel everywhere and anywhere is fine. I have some preferences but I don't really mind…just have the opportunity to travel some place new and met new people and places and different realities is enough for me.
There is just one thing I like to do every time that I travel, find the sea.

My 18 (the independence day…CHAN CHAN CHAN!)

Hello people, new semester, new blog. How where your vacations? Vacations? Do you had any vacations?...(because we don’t…or that is what the university thinks, jijiji)
Like most of the people in this country, I like 18 not because of the first national government body (against Spain), oh no, i like it because of the opportunity to spend time with my family (you know, the people with you share your DNA…) with my friends (like...alcohol! a really nice guy) and to eat a lot of met (sorry vegans).
This 18 was not the longest or the most party one, but it was special. We had a barbecue (can I say ASADO? Please) with some old friends at the university, friends that I haven't see in a lot of time, and it last until 3 am drinking wine and enjoying our old histories and also our new histories of our works now, in and out of the university. The next day my boyfriend Claudio, my friend Natalia and I went to his grandmother’s house to the big fonda of his family, it was awesome, we eat a lot of choripanes, anticuchos,we drink terremotos (with replica) we dance cueca and enjoy the party, and the next day we had a more peacefull barbecue (asado…) at my house with my family. My older sister was not in Chile at that date so mi younger sister and I take a picture of the asado and send it to my older sister in Argentina (evil) but karma hit us back and she send us a picture of a parrillada, like...the food we had for six people, she and my brother in law had it for them two!

It was a great 18.