Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The places I want to travel

Hello people! How are you doing? Great? I hope so, have you travel recently?
Travel is something we must all of us do in life, ok…that is not true and there is a lot of people who want to travel and them can't so stop with that, but is something we should all have the opportunity to do.
I had a personal history with travel, because one of my great-grandmothers by my dad side didn't see the sea in her life, and in the other side, my mom side, all of my great-grandmother and great-grandfathers travel to Chile from Europe in the last century. There is this woman, Edelmira, who stand out from all of my grandmothers because she never met the sea, her sisters did, but she didn't, and it was like her big dream and she even had some crazy dreams about tsunamis coming to found her in the country side. When I hear about her stories from my grandmother and my dad I start to realize how lucky my sisters and I where to born in this time, and how lucky most of my friends are, I mind…go to the beach is something you can do for the weekend and is not really expensive, but that is today, and that is not that much far from Edelmiras time (70 years ago).

I will like to travel everywhere and anywhere is fine. I have some preferences but I don't really mind…just have the opportunity to travel some place new and met new people and places and different realities is enough for me.
There is just one thing I like to do every time that I travel, find the sea.

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